Sunday, November 13, 2016

Virtual Identity

Virtual Identities
Social media can sometimes lead a person to believe things about another person that actually may not be true at all. Online media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and even Instagram allow users to post any content that they desire. This content includes pictures, comments, videos, or anything else that can be transferred online, like music uploads. All of this content put together is what is considered as a virtual identity of a particular user. Now, not everyone uses these online virtual worlds to create a "fake image." A lot of people like to use social media to communicate with other friends near and far and also to keep up with recent news that is occurring. On the contrary, there are others out there who prefer to express themselves as a different person to try and possibly create a better image for people to see. A great example of this would be the widely known TV show Catfish. The show finds people on the internet that have been trying to meet the certain person they have been talking to online. Most of the episodes end up with one person being totally fooled into thinking the certain other person wasn't who they were portrayed to be online or through text messages/phone calls.
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My Virtual Identity
I personally do use a couple of the social media platforms currently out there. I use Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat to communicate with friends. My family really doesn't use social media besides my younger sister. I like to use Facebook to keep me on track with what is going on around town or what my friends may be getting into. What some people may not usually use Facebook or even Instagram for is following some of their favored companies or sports pages. Facebook is a solid way to follow hunting pages or sport team pages such as the Pittsburgh Penguins. A good amount of my friends use Snapchat to send funny pictures or short videos of things they are doing. I would say, the amount of content I post is less than average compared to how much other people post on these media platforms. 

Is My Intelligence Artificial?
I think computer intelligence is not really even close to where human intelligence is today. But, computer scientists are further advancing the capabilities of virtual intelligence in our social media world at a very rapid pace. Even while browsing applications like Facebook or Instagram, there are advertisements for products/services that pop up to try and get your attention. Another great and widely used example of artificial intelligence is how Siri interacts with iPhone users as a virtual assistant. You can hold a button and ask your phone a question to further be answered by Siri. This can be seen as very helpful to many people seeking a quick answer or directions to a certain destination.

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