Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Blog #8 Data-mining

     Data mining is the process of discovering patterns in large data sets, the overall goal of the data mining process is to extract information from a data set and transform it into an understandable structure for further use. We got the opportunity to take our blog posts and see the patterns in each of our own individual blogs, and a group post. We were able to compare which words we used the most and see any similarities between our blogs. We all thought this was a pretty cool thing to see because we all had similarities with the words we used most often.

Sarah Francowic, blog #7 on virtual identity shows which words I used most frequently.

Mike Koleny - Data-mining for blog post #7
     The top picture is showing some of the words that were used the most in the 7th blog post. The bottom graph is showing the same thing, as well as, the number and frequency that those words were being used. The interesting this about the two images is the fact that almost all of the words overlap between the two.   

Mike Mahich data mining of the blog post #7 on virtual identity. Take a look below at how often each word is used and what is most common.

Group post - Do games count? With this group post you can see the pattern with how we consider games the most common words we used were video, games and art.

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