Sunday, November 13, 2016

My Virtual Identity

Virtual Identities

Virtual Identity is the idea that one's social media accounts may create a different identity of someone when they are online. For instance, someone may have a different identity on their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat than they have in real life. Also, some may argue that people have a very different identity between different social media platforms. I believe that this is very true. On one social media account, someone may portray themselves as one who goes out and parties quite a bit. On the other hand, on another social media account, they may not show they party at all. This, for the most part, is because of the fact that people have many different types of followers on their social media account. For example, someone may have almost all of their family members on their FaceBook or Instagram account, but have almost none of them on their Twitter or Snapchat. Also, people have the ability to block certain people from viewing their Snapchat story. Lastly, there are definitely people on social media who have a completely different identity than that of real life, but that is not always the case.

My Virtual Identity

I enjoy using social media very much. I have a FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. I check/use all of these on a daily basis. Like mentioned bellow, as well as like many others, I mainly use my FaceBook to keep in contact with my family members. As for the other three, I mainly use them for keeping in touch/seeing what my peers have to say and have been up to. However, I am very different than many others when on social media, I very rarely actually post something on my accounts, if fact, I really only post pictures on my social media account. I mostly just enjoy going though the different social media accounts seeing what people have been up to. I also like to think I am a relatively active follower by liking many of the pictures people post on Instagram. I believe that one of the reasons I do not post many things on social media is because if I do not post anything, it will be easier control what goes out. Nowadays, many employers look at social media accounts and I do not want anything to come back to haunt me.

Is my Intelligence Artificial?

I would say yes, my intelligence is artificial on social media. This is because of what we talked about in class the other day. I have had different social media sites suggest things to me that I have actually been interested in. Because of this, I feel that the different algorithms on the websites have taken what my friends have looked at, as well as, what i have searched before to make suggestions to new things for me to view. Also, if someone were to DM me or post something to my page and then have other people respond to that all before I see it, I would consider that to be a conversation that exists artificial. Lastly, there are different AIs on phones that one has the ability to command and ask questions to. I enjoy seeing all that the new AIs are capable of, and I am excited to see where the future will take us in interactive technology.

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