Friday, September 23, 2016

What is Digital Humanities

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Digital humanities is a diverse up and coming multi-media platform that is breaking barriers of traditional humanities. We have to thank advancements in modern technology for changing the way literature, art, and communication can be viewed. The definition of what is digital humanities is constantly being challenged and changed. It serves as an umbrella term for many components of digital culture. It’s both made up of things that have been digitized, like a database of historic literature that has been made available on the internet, and things that have been born digital, meaning something that could not have existed without the creation of the computer and the digital platform. In terms of the content of the digital humanities courses I have and am currently taking, digital humanities manifests in areas like interactive fiction, electronic literaure, game studies, hypertext novels, and kinetic poetry.   A digital work usually challenges the viewer to be more interactive with the piece in order to tell the story. The viewer may be given options of how to navigate through a piece, each person that interacts with a piece may have a different view experience as well as a different story all together in some cases. The text of the piece may take the form of moving on the screen and paired with music to make the viewer more engaged like that of Y0UNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES. The ways digital humaniites is interpeted and composed are endless. There is no real definition, its about how the creation of technology influences traditional literaure to transform, to be viewed using different platforms, different viewing styles, incorporation of visuals or sound, an creative expression.
  Image result for digital humanities

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