Sunday, September 11, 2016

What Exactly is Digital Humanities?

       Digital Humanities (DH) can be defined as many things. One way that someone can define DH is simply by breaking down the words themselves. For example, because it is Digital Humanities, one can take away that it has digital in it so that must mean that it is involving technology in one way or another that expresses information through binary code (using 0’s and 1’s). Also, with the word humanities, one can take away that it is involving the general knowledge of human culture, philosophy, and language. Also, underneath the umbrella of DH there are many different genres. This is because there are many different ways for one to express forms of literature through the use of technology. This means that each person can look at Digital Humanities in a different way, which would mean that they are going to define it differently compared to the person that is sitting next to them. A book like definition of what Digital Humanities is would be the critical study of how the technologies and techniques associated with the digital medium intersect with and alter humanities scholarship and scholarly communication. Again, this is practically saying that Digital Humanities is when the essence of humanities is being produced through technology. Another great thing to look at is the Wikipedia page on DH.

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